Motivation Monday! Honestly, kind of struggling to think of a post today to talk about, but maybe that’s a perfect thing to talk about. We all have those struggles in Life, times when we don’t feel like we have the right words, the right stuff, to persevere. But honestly, that’s when we prove our mettle in our lives.
When we feel defeated is when we show how Far we have come. As the saying goes, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog. So if you want to prove how strong you are, show what you are made of when you are feeling like you can’t go on.
In video game terms, it gets harder and harder to level up. Each enemy you defeat Gives you just a little less experience relative to your next level. But in Order to defeat the big bad, the final boss, you need to struggle through the grind.
So even though it might not Give you a whole new level, go out and finish a quest or two today. Those quests slowly but surely build so you can level up and reach new heights.
Go out there, and make a high score for yourself today.
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