Motivation Monday. Slight change of pace, no “Your life as an RPG,” gonna either leave it where I did or continue with it more sporadically. Let’s get right into it!
So today I want to start off with a video I want you to watch. a little bit of a warning, it’s kind of silly. It’s from an old episode of Dragon Ball Z. But it really speaks to me. We have the character, Vegeta, making a speech after getting his butt handed to him. What does he do? He didn’t bitch and moan and give up. No. He buckled down got to work, and got better.
We need to be like Vegeta in this way. When we get beaten, when we fall, we get back up and fight harder. We don’t throw a pity party and give up. We use the hard times to make us stronger. Steel is forged in fire. It gets beaten and smashed. And when this brutal process is complete, you have an incredibly hard material.
It’s what we, on our journey, need to recognize. Sometimes this “beating” comes from internal forces, that little voice telling you to give up. Sometimes it is external, people who don’t have your best interest at heart who try and push you down. But we need to overcome these beatings. If we want to be legendary in our own lives, we have to get back up no matter how much we are knocked down. We take these obstacles, and use them to make us better.
So be steel, be Vegeta. Go out there and win. Be legendary, ascend. Share your story of ascending here! We want to hear from you.
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