Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all are doing well. today I would like to talk to you about relaxation. It might be a little controversial.

It is really, incredibly important in our journeys to take time to relax. Take a breather, for an hour, for a day. For example, if you work out 6 days a week, it’s OK every once in a while to just say “I am going to not work out today.” We work hard, and the amount of effort we put into our journeys is both physically and mentally taxing.
When we relax, it allows our bodies and minds time to recover. This can keep us motivated in the long run, leaving us on the right path overall. And when we get back to it, we should be hitting it just as hard, if not harder, than when we started relaxing.
So let’s talk about some DOs and DON’Ts here.

- Plan ahead. Don’t start relaxing without a firm plan in mind, otherwise what’s the difference between that and falling off the wagon (which is what we are trying to avoid).
- Keep the time reasonable. Don’t “relax” for more than a day or two (unless you are recovering from an injury).
- Keep your goals in mind. Just because you are relaxing here, doesn’t mean your goals shouldn’t matter. The reason you are taking this period to relax is because it will help you to reach your goals better.
- Go overboard, especially regarding food. This is crucial, going overboard can lead to a lot of bad feelings, and can make us not want to end our period of relaxation, or feel like we have to “punish” ourselves.
- Do it too often. Although relaxation is very important, if we do it too often, we might push our goals farther away.
- Stress out about it. You are supposed to be relaxing right now. Stop it.
So I hope you all enjoyed this post. Are you planning on adding in a relaxation day soon? When and why? So go out, relax. Then hit it harder than before. Have a great day everyone!
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