Motivation Monday everyone! I want to talk today about starting from scratch. REWIND.
Motivation Monday everyone! Today, I want to talk about restarting. What do I mean by this? It’s Simple. We all have goals that we wish to meet. Reading a certain amount in 2014, getting to that goal weight by the Columbus Day Weekend. Balancing the budget by the end of the month. We are on track and going Well when all of the sudden….. something happens. Life gets in the way. Maybe you hurt yourself doing something, or maybe you got sick. Or maybe you had an unintended expense that prevented you from balancing the budget. Whatever.
So what can we do in this case? We can restart. Readjust our goals, re-aim our focus, and get back on track. But look what I did. I didn’t like the opening sentence here. So I made a point of not removing it, but changing it. I didn’t scrap all the progress I made so far. I took what worked, what I liked, and removed what I didn’t. All the progress you made so far hasn’t been for naught. Take everything you have done and utilize that. Learn from it. Grow from it.
Did you know that 88% of people fail their new years resolutions? It’s true! I bet you that a large reason is people don’t feel like they can restart no if they have fallen off the wagon, no matter how small that “fall” might have been. At this point in time, less than 46% of people who make their New Years Resolutions break them. What can we do to break this? To stop the cycle of on the wagon, you need to get off the wagon. We can realize that we can choose to ignore the wagon. What do I mean by that? I mean that we should set our own pace and
change our long term goals based on short term success. If your goal is to read 5 Days a week, and you only read 3, that’s not a failure. You succeeded in making a change. Maybe those extra 2 days are too much. That’s totally fine, change your long term goal to reflect that.
Success isn’t binary. It isn’t pass or fail. Win or lose. There are shades of grey (“HOW MANY DAVE, 50!?”Yeah, yeah. Quiet you).
Take the small wins, and count those as wins. If your goal is to work out 6 Days a week and you only got to the gym once, you didn’t fail your goal, you still made positive change. Continue to make those small changes. Remember, New Years is just another Day. Today is a great Day to continue your resolutions you made this year. Change your timeline, make it more realistic for you. But make positive change. So long as you make positive change, I think you won.
So get out there. Go for a Run, go lift some weights, pop in that exercise DVD that is gathering dust on your shelves. Pick up a book. Start creating a budget again. Drink 1 less alcoholic beverage today. Continue to be AWESOME.
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