Angela, a personal weight-loss success story herself, shares her insights into “slow success vs ambitious failure” and how her company helps people live healthier lives.
Learn how your vision of what “a healthy person” is can help you transition into the habits and lifestyle of that person.
“You are the CEO of you.”
Resources discussed in this podcast:
- Recent blog post by Angela about unhealthy relationships with the scale
- FitBit [Amazon] – wearable activity & sleep tracker
- Breaking Free from Emotional Eating [Amazon] by Geneen Roth
> Get the audiobook FREE with Audible trial - Eating Mindfully… a Balanced Relationship with Food [Amazon] by Susan Albers
> Get the audiobook FREE with Audible trial - CookingLight – healthy cooking
Angela blogs regularly at, and her company offers weight loss retreats, health coaching, and corporate wellness programs. You can also e-mail for a free example of the satiety scale Angela talks about.
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