The Tips Of The Scale Podcast

A motivational show about weight-loss and habit change. Heard over a million times in 150+ countries!

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3: Danielle Girdano of D’Fine Your Health

Fitness professional Danielle Girdano talks about the importance of nutrition, whether you really need supplements, and how winning her own battle with obesity changed her life forever.

2: Tim Bauer Lost One Pound, 200 Times

Tim Bauer lost 200 pounds in a year and 9 days. He had been obese his whole life, reached a peak weight of 440 lbs, and then decided he deserved to be healthy and to feel amazing. Cue the Rocky theme and settle in for a great story!

1: Sam Lomeli of

Join us for the first ever episode of Host Sam Lomeli will share his vision for TipsOfTheScale, the flow for upcoming episodes, and a little about himself.