The Tips Of The Scale Podcast

A motivational show about weight-loss and habit change. Heard over a million times in 150+ countries!

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Rebekah Wallace

83: Rebekah Wallace: The 3 Ingredients of Her Weight Loss Success (F/29)

As a child, Rebekah was picked on, teased, and became numb to mean remarks. One day, she decided that would no longer be who she was. Hear the 3 ingredients to her success, and how she dropped 125 pounds.
Todd Blake Weight Loss |

82: Small Changes for Weight Loss and Health (M/39) | Todd Blake

367-Pound Todd had developed gout, feet and tooth pain, asthma, and high blood pressure. Hear how small changes added up to his 178-pound loss and the ability to stop taking medications.
Heather Robertson

81: Heather Robertson of on How Habits & Mindset Changed Everything (F/38)

Heather developed binge eating issues during a rough childhood, struggled with various weight loss programs, and eventually reached 313 pounds after her third child. Hear how & why she recommitted to one program, and why it finally worked. This is Heather’s –170 pound success story.

80: Javier Hernandez: From Heartbroken & Overweight to Proud Father & Bodybuilder (M/29)

From hurt, heartbroken, and over 100 pounds overweight to showing off his super powers on the bodybuilding stage – this is Javier’s story.
Helen M. Ryan Before & After Photo

78: Helen M Ryan – From ‘Waiting To Die’ to Inspiring Others (F/48)

Helen was trapped in an unhappy marriage, buried in stress, and found herself staring into a tub of ice cream with seemingly no way out. Hear how Helen, a busy business owner and mother, transformed her health and now helps others do the same.
Heather Gum Before & After Photo

77: Heather Gum – Once Uninsurable and Now Happy & Healthy (F/45)

Heather once believed weight loss was impossible for her, but she made her own possibilities and dropped over 160 pounds!

Carley Guinn Before & After Photo

76: Carley Guinn Made a Mindset Change and Beat Her ‘Bad Metabolism’

Carley used to feel she wasn’t “good enough” for people’s attention, and mostly kept to herself. Now over 100 pounds lighter, hear how she changed her mindset and changed her life.
Denny Krahe

75: Denny Krahe of – Why You Need To Start Now

Trainer and Strength & Conditioning specialist Denny Krahe visits Tips Of The Scale to talk nutrition and to discuss exercise myths. Also, why your journey to health needs to start now!
Jack Opferkuch Before & After

74: Jack Opferkuch Ate Bacon and Dropped 80 Pounds (M/21)

After Jack’s weight led to dropping out of school and being unable to enjoy family outings, he found a new eating style that worked for him. This is his story of bacon, confidence, and discipline.