The Tips Of The Scale Podcast
A motivational show about weight-loss and habit change. Heard over a million times in 150+ countries!
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148: Being Accountable and Making a Change | Victoria Silva (F/24)
In a very low moment in her life, a television show about dramatic transformations gave Victoria the boost to transform herself. Hear about Victoria’s transformation on the inside and out.

147: Staying The Course Even When It’s Tough | Jade Hunter
Despite the long journey ahead, Jade realized her weight & health were a risk to her dreams of motherhood. Hear how she kept herself focused and motivated through dropping over 90 pounds.

146: On Body Image, Accountability, and Conquering Negativity | Ashley Romano
Ashley battled depression and weight issues until a rude awakening about her health. She chose better health and took control of her future. Ashley talks body image, accountability buddies, and the power of social media.

145: Real Talk with Andrew Shanahan of Man V. Fat
Andrew Shanahan is an award-winning writer, editor and publisher, and the man behind Man V Fat – a magazine aimed at supporting men’s weight loss around the world. Join this candid conversation about the health & fitness industry, memorable guests, and the emotional components of health & weight loss.

144: Courage and Overcoming Adversity | Tulin Emre
Tulin Emre opens up about the emotional battle and fight to overcome an eating disorder. Hear about loving yourself, your journey, and how to make the first weeks of a lifestyle change successful.

143: New Energy and Confidence | Zach McCrite (M/34)
Zach’s journey started at 420 pounds when he was “as fake happy as a person could be…”

142: Let Food Be Thy Medicine | Troye Newcomb (F)
Troye changed her own life—and created a new one—through a raw food and juicing intervention.

141: Conquering Self-Hatred and Taking Control | Rachel Carito (F/30)
From hating her body to a self-described “powerlifting, cooking machine,” Rachel would never have believed her own transformation.

140: Fight to Save Your Life | Jen LeFebvre
The tragic death of her friend caused Jen to examine and radically transform her life.

139: On Paleo and Winning the Battle of Mindset | Elizabeth Benton
Elizabeth came from years of food obsession and confidence-robbing emotional issues. Hear how self-acceptance and a change of perspective helped her drop over 130 pounds.

138: From Depression to Total Lifestyle Makeover | Missy Boser (F/33)
Missy battled depression, anxiety, and their impact on her relationship. Hear about her lifestyle makeover and what she discovered about herself.

137: Taking Responsibility and Unleashing Potential | Rob Hoffman (M/25)
An emotional situation made Rob face the reality of his lifestyle. He decided it wasn’t how he wanted to live, and set out to take control. How he’s unleashed his potential.